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It is a requirement to participate in the promotion “I love winter” (hereinafter, the “Promotion”) the acceptance of these rules in their entirety (hereinafter, the “Rules”). Reading these Terms presupposes their acceptance.

First. -Friendneitherto organizer

The Promotion will be organized by WABI HOME AND LIVING, S.L. (hereinafter, WABI HOME), domiciled in Valencia, Av/ Espioca 118 – Silla, 46460 and provided with C.I.F. B-40549057.

Second.PerYoPromotional ear

The promotion is valid from 07:00 on October 6, 2021 to 23:59 on October 14, 2021 (hereinafter the "Entry Period"). The winner's dEcru will take place on October 15, 2021. October 2021 (hereinafter the "Final DEcruing").

Third. - Legitimation of the participant

Only natural persons (i) of legal age, (ii) resident inSpain (only Peninsula and Balearic Islands)in possession of a valid DNI or passport if they are Spanish, or a valid NIE and residence permit if they are foreigners, at the time of the award of the Prize, and comply with the mechanics of the Promotion established in these Rules (hereinafter , participants").

Participants who do not meet all the requirements and conditions detailed in these Rules will not be entitled to the Prize. All employees of WABI HOME AND LIVING, S.L. are excluded from this promotion.

Quarter. - Mechanics of the promotion

Duringthe Promotional PeriodUsers who want to participate will have to do so through their email. To do this, they must correctly complete the questionnaire sent via newsletter. Questionnaire that is inserted in the typeform platform.

These two conditions must be accredited on said platform to be a winner of the prize.
Participation in the Promotion in a fraudulent manner (use of robots, non-manual systems, hacking, etc.) will result in the automatic elimination of participation in the Promotion, without the right, if applicable, to the Prize assigned in commission of fraud or deception.
All users who comply with these Rules may be chosen as winners in the dEcru. The winner will be chosen through a dEcruing carried out among all the entries received.
On the date indicated in point 2, the final dEcru will be carried out among all entries validly received and in accordance with the description indicated in point 4.
5 winners and 2 reserves will be dEcrun at random. Reservers will only be contacted in case of non-acceptance of the prize by the winners or inability to assign the prize, etc...
Each of the 5 winners will receive a prize consisting of 2 Laie cushions 45x45cm, 1 Dune cushion 70x35 cm and 1 Laie plaid (for more information about the prize, see next point 7).
Fifth. - Winners' conditions

Only those natural persons (i) of legal age, (ii) residents in Spain (Peninsula and Balearic Islands) in possession of a valid DNI or passport in case of being Spanish, or NIE and valid residence permit in case of being Spanish, may participate in this Promotion. if they are foreigners, at the time of the award of the Prize.

These facts must be duly accredited to WABI HOME upon request and within the period determined by them, otherwise you may be disqualified. Participants who do not meet all the requirements and conditions detailed in these Rules will not be entitled to the Prize.

WABI HOME, once the winner has been selected:

- They will contact you via email at the email address you indicated and/or via telephone call, requesting and providing the necessary data to deliver the prize. If these details are not provided before October 17, 2021, the substitutes will be contacted.

In the event that the substitutes do not meet the conditions indicated above, the prize will be considered void.

Sixth.- Gestiion of the award ceremony

WABI HOME will contact the winner by email at the indicated email address to provide the necessary data to manage the prize (Name, Surname, Address, ID, contact telephone number).

Yesandoptimal - Awards

The prize that will be awarded under this promotion to the winner will be a product pack consisting of:

  • 2 Laie cushions 45x45cm.
  • 1 Dune cushion 70x35 cm.
  • 1 plaid

Prize winners will not be able to exchange it for a different prize.

Eighth. - Personal data protection

The information and personal data provided by the participant in this contest will be processed by WABI HOME in accordance with the respective Privacy Policies available on their respective websites and what is contained herein in order to manage their participation in the contest and their relationship. with WABI HOME. The legal basis of the processing is the execution of these legal bases for carrying out the Promotion.

Participants may exercise their rights of access, rectification and deletion of their data and those of portability, limitation and opposition, where applicable, to the treatment described, by contacting the person responsible for the treatment, WABI HOME AND LIVING S.L., at the address above. indicated ( and accompanying your request with the relevant official identification documentation. If you consider that the treatment does not comply with current regulations, you may file a claim with the supervisory authority inwww.agpd.esIt is also reported that the information is kept while the promotion is active in order to manage it. In the event of any modification to your data or if you detect that any data is erroneous, please notify us so that it can be corrected, in order to keep the data updated, in accordance with applicable law.

Ninth. - Responsibilities

In the event that, due to force majeure, the described prize cannot be delivered, WABI HOME does not undertake to replace it with another of equal or greater value.

Neither WABI HOME nor, where applicable, the collaborating companies in this Promotion, will in any case be responsible for any damages, of any nature, direct, indirect and/or circumstantial, whether immediate or deferred, that may appear on the occasion or as a consequence of enjoying the Prize.

WABI HOME reserves the right to cancel, suspend or modify these Rules, as well as the organization and/or management of this Promotion.

undandtop. - Several

Law 35/2006 of November 28, which approves the Personal Income Tax and other development regulations, will apply to the prizes of this promotion, so, where applicable (when the prize or its economic valuation is greater than €300), it will be up to WABI HOME to make the payment on account or practice the withholding of the Personal Income Tax.

In order to comply with applicable tax regulations, it will be a necessary condition to be able to enjoy the prize that the winner provides their personal data, as well as a photocopy of their official identity document.

Participation in this contest will be free of charge, so that to participate in it it is not necessary to pay any monetary amount.

WABI HOME will not be in any way responsible for non-compliance or infractions of any kind related to this promotion, exempting itself from any type of responsibility for possible losses suffered by participants in relation to the Prize and other aspects of this contest. Likewise, WABI HOME will not have any responsibility for the Winner arising from any damage or loss that they may suffer during or as a consequence of the prize awarded.

In Valencia at 5Octoberof 2021